Pretty stars tree

2years 45days

Katie did so well this morning - she got up at 5, but let me stay in bed another 45minutes. Appreciated given that she'd woken me at midnight and 3. The midnight time I wasnt even in bed thanks to my (now handed in) final assignment.

She was full of it this morning, running around on the drive before we got in the car to go, despite it being really very chilly. They said she had a good time at nursery. She loves going outside now, so very different. And gets very hyper at singing time. They're waking her after an hour sleep to try help with the night times here, but today it was really difficult to wake her apparently, so I may ditch that. When I was getting her ready to leave, she was sat beside the wellies bucket, picking out different ones and telling me exactly who they all belonged to. And she got them all right!

I'd gone for her early afternoon, so it was great to have some nice time together. We went for a walk in the village then came back and I showed her the little Christmas tree I've bought her for her bedroom, along with some star decorations. She was extremely excited about it and took a lot of care putting the decorations on. She keeps running upstairs "to see pretty star tree". I've even tried to leave them where she put them. Even though that means there are six stars on the top of the tree.

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