
2years 44days

Its been a great, gentle day today.We've liked it a lot. It started particularly leisurely, although still early. Though I dont drink, it was still quite a late night for me, so I dozed on the sofa with her snuggling/playing beside me for a little while. The creating pictured above happened once we were up and more alert - it involved bun cases, hundreds and thousands, vanilla essence, and curry oil. While wearing a medal.

She was very excited when I told her we were going to be getting a lift to Church with the Cousins. Really nice was that when we got to church, she was excited about seeing her little friends but even more about going up to her Sunday School group. When we went up, there was baking set up, there was sticking and colouring, stories, the snacktime picnic rug set up, allsorts. SHe had a brilliant time and ran to me to show her picture when I went back for her, had 3 crispie cakes she'd made, and a sweetie necklace! They are on a mission to get them very happy and settled in their new sunday school group (This was only Katie's second time) and it's working!

She fell asleep in the car on the way home, and had an epic nap. The kind of nap that I would go mad if nursery allowed her! But she really was not waking up, and has been coughing/a bit snotty this afternoon. She has a bright red cheek too, thanks to the blasted teeth still.

When eventually I did get her up, we went out to see some pretties. And came out with a very lovely Christmas tree. Not totally how the plan was going, but it was a really lovely tree! She was pleased to see it in our car coming home. I took her then to see some more pretties - both twinkly types and flowers, at the garden centre. We stopped for a cup of tea and some toast before hunting for the animal statues - she remembers the order we do these things and likes it the same every time!!Q

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