It's a dogs life!

By LilytheLab

Chasing gulls!

brrrrrrrrr wasn't it cold today?! Mum said that we would go for a breath of fresh air on the beach at Weston super Mare but BOY we had more than a breath! It was sooooooooo windy. I LOVED it. I got the wind up my bum and shot off at breakneck speed towards the SEA! Yes the tide was in, yipppppeeeeeeee!

There were loads and loads of seagulls on the shoreline and I had a WHALE of a time trying to catch them. They are just too quick for me though!

I had a chase of my ball and a good old dig too but I didn't venture in for a swim. It was quite rough and to be honest....freeeeeezing! I did jump around a lot in the shallows though.

I also found the biggest stick EVER and dragged it along after me. Mum was throwing the ball for me and I didn't even go after it! I wanted my stick! So mum ended up running after the ball whilst I had a lie down and chew on my stick *giggle* It was funny watching her run after the ball in her wellies ;-)

There were quite a few photos that we really liked. I have finally started my blipfolio and if you click here I think you will see something that will make you chuckle! It was a hard choice of what to blip today!

I hope everyone is keeping warm. We have the fire lit already.

Bye for now
Lily xxx

ps I think this picture is definitely best viewed LARGE! Go on!

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