Our life with Autism

By Cjrach

Hale Stones

Up at 6 to get Christopher showered before Tony left for a meeting in Penrith, the heating has been playing up and we had to top up the pressure to get it working. Today Chris wanted me in with him so I jumped in to find the water Luke warm, by the time Tony got Chris in it was cold, a quick wash under the arms and I threw him out shivering, followed swiftly by me I had to wash in the sink and do my hair under the tap.
The weather today has been terrible, non stop hale stones, I've been cleaning on the top floor today after having the bathroom done and the noise was horrendous.
My blip is of one of those storms which happened just as Rach was due home from Choir with my neighbours daughter they where both a little cold and wet when they arrived.
I opened the back door to take the picture and got battered just sticking my arm out.

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