Our life with Autism

By Cjrach

New Brighton

OMG it's 8.15 I shrieked as I opened my eyes and looked at the time, I forgot to set my alarm last night, Chris got up at 4am and we had gone back to sleep, Rach sets her alarm for 7.30 but didn't think to wake us so when I ran down in a panic they where both blissfully watching tv.
Thank God Tony was not in a rush I showered washed my hair and he did the kids, I had Rach out the door by 8.40 and cos we sent Christphers bus off without him I had to get him to school aswel, made it for 9.15. Not bad considering I'm up at 6 every morning and still rushing to get out on time.
Had an accident this afternoon, I was putting fairy lights up in the hall I had the ladder behind me and I was crouching down to put the last pin in and lost my balance landing on the ladder which moved as I carried on rolling onto my back with my legs in the air, my arm was leaning on the ladder as it moved and I have a 5 inch graze on the under side of my arm. I can laugh about it now but it didn't half hurt at the time and it's sore now. Lights look good though!

My blip today is taken on the front at New Brighton, I spotted a rainbow as I was driving so I went down to take a picture but I lost sight of it. The sea was really rough and it was blowing a Gail, it blew away some of my cobwebs.

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