Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Secret Santa

I'm hosting my annual Christmas Party on Saturday. Each year we have an anonymous secret santa, everyone buys a gift, they all go in a sack and then you pull one out. They always have an unusual price to make people put some thought in to it, this year the price is £3.72. So here we have gifts from The Boy, myself and a spare for whoever forgets (someone always does).

Semi-productive day, Milo has been moved to the study as the front of the house is overly chilly due to the missing brick work. Beer has been bottled ready for the party and tidying is slowly progressing.

I hung the wreath on the door today so it's officially the run up to Christmas now and as such I've been mainly listening to Barenaked for the Holidays which includes such Christmassy delights as Elf's Lament

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