Learning day by day

By EmmaF

Brrr! It's got cold.

Hurray, winter has finally come. William loves wearing his hats, gloves and 'neck' (snood) but at least now he won't be melting underneath.

Good day today. Gym this morning, followed by Breastfeeding Drop in, William played really nicely, but no one dropped in. Last Ballet class of the term, so we got to watch. William sat really nicely on my knee through out. Carys completely ignorned the fact that we were there, unlike some of the other kids. She was so engrossed it was lovely to watch. To my uneducated eye she looked really good too.

Can't wait for Friday. She had her dress rehersal for 'Christmas according to Reception' today. Got her words right but bonked baby Jesus head on the manger again. 'I need to be more careful Mummy.'

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