Learning day by day

By EmmaF

First Snow of the Winter

We had a better night last night, although W still had coughing fits, but at least his temp has gone and he went all night without calpol or neurofen. We woke to a carpet of snow, at least an inch, which hadn't been forecast at all. C was not impressed that it was a school day and she couldn't go out and play.

So glad that I have the ERGO today as I waltzed past (rather smuggly) other parents struggling with pushchairs in the snow. William on my back shouting "Faster, faster horsey!". After posting all our cards for far flung places at the post office, W asked to go to the little soft play, a sure sign he is on the mend, so I obliged. Once there I realised I had a free visit on my loyalty card, which is always a bonus. He played quite nicely to start with, while I managed to do a bit on my latest assignment. That done, or Mummys brain fried, we had a good play together, before I treated him to lunch. He actually made a decent attempt at eating it, which is also a positive sign.

I then had a dentist appointment, which I thought would be a nightmare with W in tow, but he sat on a chair and watched like a little angel. He was rewarded with the biggest sticker I have ever seen.

Home for an hour or so before heading up to school again through the snow, which suprisingly hadn't melted, and home for homework and all the usual.

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