Friday Foto

By drmackem

Trade off

Today's blip is a bit of a trade off.

I got myself 15mins sat watch the birds and squirrels in the hide near coppice pond at lunchtime. The light was poor, so today I managed fingerless gloves, tripod and remote trigger. Looking on the computer still not too sharp, I could have pushed the iso up a bit more but that the speed gain might well have been cancelled out by the grain. I was hoping to get a good shot of the nuthatcher who looked great today, but I'll return another day to do it justice.

So here's my squirrel photo, he was a bit less twitchy so was more forgiving on the shutter speed.

Again I enjoyed just sitting and watching the birds and squirrels flitting and feeding. This chap was fascinating.

I thought of heading out again after a bit more work, but if I do that I won't be able to squeeze in an early evening run along the dark streets of town. Another trade off.

Tomorrow I'm planning on doing something I've never done before with my camera - see you here late tomorrow night.

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