Milk bliss

These are the many faces of Charley in his post-milk state.

We have:

::milk bliss::

I actually had caffeine before 4pm today thank goodness. Had to make it myself, but still, it was caffeine.

I was up at 6am with Charley. He wasn't really awake for the day but I noticed his clothes were wet around the nappy area and try as I might I couldn't pretend I'd not felt it. Figured as I had to go downstairs anyway to change his nappy I may as well wake up and make a drink and some toast.

Then he fell asleep again as it wasn't up-for-the-day time yet and I wondered if I got him back in his bed whether I might have a quick bath before everyone else woke up.

It was a nice idea.

What actually happened was the moment I turned the taps off after filling the bath Charley woke up. I went in to get him thinking "it won't take long to re-settle him" and as I picked him up Ben woke up as well crying that he also wanted milk. He had to wait. Charley settled, and I swapped him for Ben. Ben had milk, and Charley woke up again. I swapped Ben for Charley. Ben was not interested in going back to sleep. My nose started bleeding and Steve grumped at me when I asked for a tissue. Charley fell asleep after pooing and I dumped him back in his bed (carefully) and announced to a sleepy Stephen that Charley was all his, as I was going down to give Ben some breakfast. Ben was given weetabix and hot milk (which he complained about) and CBeebies before I told him I was going to check on Steve and Charley, and instead climbed into the bath.


I spent a little too long in the bath but nobody disturbed me - in fact Steve and Charley were still asleep when I got out, and Ben was still watching CBeebies having eaten very little of his weetabix.

Charley still needed his nappy changing so after I'd got my coffee on the go I fetched him downstairs and halfway through dealing with him the health visitor arrived. Bless her - the poor woman got a freshly cleaned and dressed Charley to hold while I made coffee for the both of us and he screamed - unsurprisingly because he'd just woken from a long sleep and wanted his boob NOW.

Anyway the visit went very well. Steve took Ben out shortly after she arrived (I'd sent Ben upstairs to ask daddy for his christmas chocolate as a way of making Steve get out of bed!) to tots and to do various bits on the way home; so we had some peace and quiet to do the hearing test for Charley. She went off happy, I collapsed with Charley. He fed on and off, roughly half-hourly, from 10.15am for 2-3 hours before finally going to sleep for a 3-4 hour nap. Steve came home with bits to make a chocolate guinness cake (after the one I had in the cafe the other day!) which I may attempt tomorrow, and fed me thank goodness.

Sheila (our neighbour) popped round in the afternoon and we introduced her to Charley and Ben proudly showed her his new bed as well, and then it was tea time and Ben was really really tired. I made soup for tea but Ben was too tired to bother with that - he ate his grapes and bites of sandwich in front of the tv, and by the time CBeebies had gone to bed there was a bath ready for him. I don't think he's had a bath since before Charley was born. We are so rubbish at bathing him. And yet he loves baths... But apart from not settling in bed and needing talking to by his daddy, he's been good this evening. We're winding down now, hoping that Charley goes to sleep some time soon so we can turn in! At this rate as soon as I've blipped we'll give up on Charley going to sleep first, and just take him up to bed...

Steve's been up in the attic again. He's found the changing table, Ben's small table, and the bouncer chair thing that Ben had so all we need to do now is find places for them to all go ;0) I think that may be tomorrow's job, tidying up a bit downstairs to make room for the furniture. Tomorrow's challenge, however, is for me to get both boys up and dressed and fed and across the road for little fishes in the morning :0)

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