Brotherly love

They love each other. At least, Ben loves Charley: whether this is reciprocated is anyone's guess!

Charley has slept and fed today. And poo'd and wee'd of course. But mainly fed. With sleeping in between. It took quite a while to get dressed - it was gone midday by the time Charley stopped feeding so frequently as to let me go to the loo and get dressed. So much for getting out to toddler group this morning. And then he's had two long sleeps this afternoon which makes me worried he's going to cluster feed all night. And he rarely opens his mouth wide enough to get the nipple in straight away, unlike Ben who used to open his mouth so wide that the nipple would get lost and he'd get so frantic about it!

Charley is going through his first big growth spurt. It is exhausting to say the least.

Steve had to go out to the shop at around about lunchtime because we had run out of coffee. If you've been following the saga, you'd know how much of a disaster this was. He also took a load of sheets and Ben's duvet down to the laundrette to tumbledry - Ben wet the bed last night and didn't tell us when he climbed in to our bed. Neither of us noticed either until the next time he woke up. Gah. Anyway somehow as we were putting together a short shopping list to make the drive to sainsburys worthwhile we managed to not put coffee on it so he came home without coffee and had to walk down to the tesco express!

The evening has been frustrating. Ben would not go to bed despite being so tired he nearly fell asleep on me at around 6ish. He didn't want any dinner. He's not wanting to sit at the table with us for dinner at the moment - I'm not pushing the issue, hoping that he'll come round eventually - and then he was seriously not impressed at the fact that he couldn't have me put him to bed. He didn't mind that I was feeding Charley and had been almost all evening including throughout dinner, he just minded that I wasn't able to put him to bed.

Got a few ideas to try tomorrow night: we'll try a tandem nursing session downstairs, and then Ben can climb into bed while I sit with Charley in his room while he goes to sleep. Hopefully he won't mind too much not being able to hold my hand to go to sleep, because I'll at least be the one putting him to bed.

We'll see. As someone has said, anything is worth a try...

Charley either conspired against us or helped us - he popped off as Ben was yawning so Steve and I swapped children and I was able to go and put Ben to bed at last.

Peace reigns.

Temporarily I know, but it's nice to sit and relax. I think that's why we're going to bed so late at the moment - just so we can enjoy some peace and quiet before starting the bedtime shenanigans with Charley and Ben both needing attention at varying times during the night.


That's me blipped.

Off to tidy the kitchen and get ingredients ready to make a chocolate and Guinness cake tomorrow with Ben. That ought to be interesting, if I get chance! I think Charley will be in the wrap if he insists on needing feeding all day again...

Edit. Steve reminded me that I'd meant to say something else in yesterday's blip but with all the to-ing and fro-ing I forgot.

I'd sent him out for paracetamol and chocolate and he'd not only come back with paracetamol Plus (i.e, with caffeine), but he'd bought me a big bar of galaxy and a box of thorntons :) The boy did goooood!!!

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