Dolcezza Della Vita

By Dolcezza


As much as I love to photograph nature and animals - my passion for photography started with abstract art. What do I love about it? Its powerful and beautiful - I love the clean, simple, and polished lines. Im a minimalist by nature, always have been. I think most of my photographs would reflect that.

My favorite artist is Wassily Kandinsky. His work is truly amazing - he was an artist who was trained in music and it greatly influenced his paintings. Not only that, but he actually saw colors in his mind's eye when he heard music. My favorite quote: "I applied streaks and blobs of colours onto the canvas with a palette knife and I made them sing with all the intensity I could - color is the keyboard, the eyes are the harmonies, the soul is the piano with many strings. The artist is the hand that plays, touching one key or another, to cause vibrations in the soul." Makes you think twice when you look at his's actually music on canvas...

I spent several years overseas in various countries when I was younger - the architecture and influence was just incredible. I unfortunately don't live in a city that fosters that passion very well - but Im an optimist...I try pretty damn hard to search it out and make the best of it. The states are not that bad - I've had the opportunity to travel all the regions for work - I would have to say the Southwest is my favorite. I just fell in love with it. The colors are truly spectacular and oh the sunsets - best I've ever seen! I will actually be relocating there in a few months - looking forward to it!

Ventured out tonight to release the day - a little "me" time always works. Long and stressful at work - needed to clear the mind. I've also been feeling a little creatively cramped - I would love to get back into my abstract photography but its just not around me - so I went searching for it. I found this light at the steps of an old catholic church. Something about it stood out to me - I snapped away...

Got home and did some PS work - then transferred it over to Lightroom for some light editing. Quite happy w/ the final the way it feels. It's a little more my style. And it was nice to get out and clear the mind...feel much better ;) For those who don't know what Lightroom is - its an amazing piece of software - its like having a photography studio in your computer. I pretty much touch 98% of my pictures with it. Adobe has a 30 day free download if you are interested in trying it out...

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