Dolcezza Della Vita

By Dolcezza

Thoughts... the guest bedroom...looking out the window...thinking about the funny dream that just woke me up! No hot air balloons out this morning :(

I came across one of my favorite Rumi poems yesterday while cleaning my was like reading it for the first time...I truly love the words.

500th Blip tomorrow...have no idea what I'm going to do!! I'll just let it come to me...

Rumi - The Universe

What if someone said to an embryo in the womb,
Outside of your world of black nothing
is a miraculously ordered universe;
a vast Earth covered with tasty food;
mountains, oceans and plains,
fragrant orchards and fields full of crops;
a luminous sky beyond your reach,
with a sun, moonbeams, and uncountable stars;
and there are winds from south, north and west,
and gardens replete with sweet flowers
like a banquet at a wedding feast.

The wonders of this world are beyond description.
What are you doing living in a dark prison,
Drinking blood through that narrow tube.
But the womb-world is all an embryo knows
And it would not be particularly impressed
By such amazing tales, saying dismissively:
You're crazy. That is all a deluded fantasy.

One day you will look back and laugh at yourself.
You'll say, I can't believe I was so asleep!
How did I ever forget the truth?
How ridiculous to believe that sadness and sickness
Are anything other than bad dreams.

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