Journeys day by day

By KathleenS

Turdus Migratorius

Otherwise known as the North American Robin.

I was out at lunch today, completely uninspired by possible blips, when I came upon the juniper tree in front of the post office. It was filled with Robins, hedonistically gorging on the big blue berries. The tree was alive. At first I didn't notice it, they were quiet, but the movement finally got my attention. I have not seen so many Robins so acrobatic before. It was hard to get a good shot because they were in some sort of competition to eat the most berries and didn't stop flopping about grabbing as many as they could. I got a wonderful shot of one hanging with a big berry in it's beak, but alas, when I got home it just wasn't crisp enough to be chosen.

They were all relatively quiet, but in the tree next to it sat a large crow, clucking his disapproval. I almost agree.

Turdus Migratorius...probably a good indication of what will be going on tomorrow, I'll be sure to wear my hat and not park under a tree. Perhaps an umbrella might be apropos.

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