The star and the shepard.

Oh my goodness today was Jack and Erins preschool nativity play and it was just adorable. I along with I'm sure every parent there was just so proud of the children. They were so cute. Jack said his lines perfectly and Erin led everyone around the hall. The songs were sung and the dances done and I was so happy to be there and watch it. Just lovely.

My day went rapidly down hill though after that. My parents are away for 3 weeks on a cruise and still have 9 days left of their holiday. Whilst they are away I have taken over phoning my 87 year old Gran who has alzheimers and pics dementia. She lives in the middle of no-where with carers 3 times a day she shouldn't be on her own yet she refuses to leave. The carers phoned me today to say she has developed shingles and is unable to keep any fluids down. She was refusing to go into hospital even then and was very adament no-one would make her. To cut a very long and upsetting story short thanks to a paramedic who went that extra mile and her being a flirt and thinking him handsome she agreed to go, talking to her I think she though she was going to be taken to go and be looked after by him and since arriving at the hospital and realising where she is she is very pissed off. I feel awful about it all and still have to decide wether to contact my parents, a decision I am going to make when I see her sunday. Luckily I have other family members who are able to go tomorrow and sat as I am stuck until then. Such a horrible thing to have to deal with and so sad for her to be in pain and upset.

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