
2years 49days

Early start, as usual. So by 6am we were painting away. She's done two of these ceramic tree decorations, one for our tree and one for Gdad&Granny's (if you want it!) then did a lovely Christmas painting. She's got a thing about snowmen at the moment, so I managed to find one in her book with one on.

Friday feeling today - yippee! She got dressed very excited for gymnastics and has begged since then to head off. We're going for a play in the playcentre first, but I think today will be one of the days she is counting the minutes until gymnastics.

She's a lot better and has eaten breakfast of traditional breakfast foods for the first time in a few days. Her nose didnt take ten minutes for me to clean when she woke and she's not needed calpol since yesterday morning, hopefully on the up. So she's going to nursery this afternoon (some reward for getting better!)

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