With mountains like these

By Sollergirl


After our relative inactivity, lovely as it was, we had to get out. It's not a long walk to Binibassi and Fornalutx, but there's so much to look at on the way, it can take as long as you want. Even better if you stop for a little lunch in Fornalutx. The light was more variable than yesterday, but every so often, we felt we were floating in a pool of sunshine above the valley as the clouds rolled their shadows over the town below. Wallflowers, berries and oranges next to blossom gave vibrant splashes of colour in the grey greens of the olive and carob trees. Sheep stared us out, rustling in the undergrowth startled us with flashes of finches' wings reminding us we were not alone.

I probably remind the boys too often how lucky we are to live here. These walks are free, and no matter how much they long for gleaming toy shops with the promise of Christmas, this will be the sort of day they'll remember forever.

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