Adventures of Goldilocks
OMG!! The wind has stopped and the sun has come out - it's been a beautiful day!! I must be feeling better for, having dropped some cards off at the local Post Office, I decided to take a little walk and succumbed to a spot of trespass! I've had my eye on this old house for sometime but could see no way of surreptitiously entering but today the door was ajar - irrisistable! I was not disappointed. It had a lovely warm air to it and was in good condition with some fascinating details. Downstairs the colour scheme was pink and pale blue but upstairs were some bloodred touches, especially in one of the bedrooms. This old bedstead must have been quite grand once. All the old bits and pieces were still intact though it looked as though the house's main purpose now was a storage for wood. You can see more pix here
I spent the afternoon shovelling shite - also very satisfactory - 6 bags went into the polytunnel, and four more on various outdoor beds. The smell in the polytunnel is rather strong but quite nice in a hot horsey kind of way, but I think I shall avoid hanging washing in here for a day or two.
Himself hit Bantry and returned with a very beautiful wreath and a tree - will the lights work???
Have a happy weekend.
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