Waterfoot Sunrise

By alasdairb

Blue Skies

Yesterday's storm abated overnight and awoke to a grey morning with sleety snow falling. I kept delaying going out for a run in the hope it would go off and I might get a blip.

However, by 10 o'clock I just had to go for it. There is actually something nice about running in snow, but wet sleet is another matter and it was heavy going. Fortunately, by the time I reached the beach the sky behind me was getting brighter and the sleet was easing off. Maybe a chance of a blip as I did have my wee camera with me?

It was quite amazing to watch the dark snow filled clouds move away southwards to be replaced by a lovely blue sky and puffy white clouds. So instead of my usual blip towards the sea, which was still dark and threatening (for someone else!), todays blip is from the far end of the Bay looking North West up Carradale Glen with snow covering the hills above Waterfoot.

As the clearance moved south the temperature dropped markedly and by the time I got home there was a layer of ice on the car. Never mind, I would much rather have a cold clear day to the recent wet and windy weather!

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