My toy basket

Normally on a Saturday I go for an early evening drink in the pub with Ann's colleagues. Tonight we are 'Billy no mates' because everyone else had stuff to do.

So, Ann has decided it will be a good night for me to tidy out my toy basket. I have a lot of toys.

I have to make three piles:

1) Toys to keep.
2) Toys to throw away.
3) Toys I'm not sure about.

Apparently Ann is just going to sit and drink this glass of wine and watch me. She says she's been at work all day and now it's my turn to do some work.

Tidying out my toy basket is difficult. I like all my toys. I bet if I just look as if I'm sorting them out but don't, I'll get to keep them all. Hee, hee!

By the way thank you so much to the 65 people who commented on my blip yesterday. I had no idea that looking like a grumpy old Santa would attract so much attention. However I have to say that I agree with a lot of the comments. .............................The weirdest thing of all definitely was the fact that Ann hadn't had any wine for four days.

Obviously that can be easily rectified??!!

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