Weird things are happening

Weird things are happening today.

1. Ann wore a skirt to take me on my walk this morning. That is very weird because she hardly ever wears skirts. But she'd bought a skirt at M&S a couple of weeks ago and today was the day that she decided to wear it.

2. We got chatted up 5 times on our walk this morning. That is very weird because normally the delivery drivers, window cleaners, early morning workers, etc. just ignore us.

3. Ann decided that her skirt was the cause of this 'chat up' process. Well it was quite short but she did have a pair of thick leggings on as well, so she wasn't exactly 'beach babe' material. And anyway I was the one who was told I was gorgeous, I was lovely and I had a very pretty face. Weird then that Ann should think that she was the main attraction.

4. She decided that as she looked so irresistible in her skirt she'd go to M&S and see if she could get another one in a different colour. Well that was weird because skirts aren't really that practical for taking me on my walks and that's what she spends most of her life doing. But what is even weirder is the fact that whoever designed the car park at the 'West Cornwall Shopping Centre' hasn't a clue about the number of shoppers who shop there. Ann is never, ever, going to shop there again. She couldn't find anywhere to park, she got stuck in a queue of traffic, people were driving up the lanes the wrong way, people were shouting and swearing at each other and it was generally very congested. Very weird that anyone would want to go there when they could just pour themselves a glass of wine at home and log onto a website.

5. Then Ann went to Penzance. That was weird because everything she bought there she could have got in St Ives. She says it's sometimes nice to have a change of scene?!

6. When she came home she told me she'd bought me a present. I was excited. I thought my present might be a big juicy bone or a new bouncy ball. My present is weird. It's this weird little Santa hat and weird little Santa scarf. Why do you think Ann thought I would like these??? I can't even blame the wine 'cos she hasn't had any for four days????

The only thing that hasn't been weird about today is the fact that she didn't make me go out for my afternoon walk dressed like this. That wouldn't have been weird - that would have been downright cruel???!!!!

Hope you all have a weird & wonderful weekend blippers.

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