Life on Sheep's Head

By OwlLady

Fascinating swirly cloud...

So I love the sky and I adore the clouds. I try to keep an eye out (read: up) at all times. Can't help myself.

Although I took a few nice *blip* quality pics today, this won. Just because it fascinates me. How does this happen? Must have something to do with the wind, high winds swirling up there. If anyone knows, please feel free to educate me.

The bug thought the better of it and decided to go bug someone else. Which leaves me feeling loads better, thank goodness!

Dear hubby went back to the old routine today. He is on his way to NL again, which leaves me home alone and (I admit it) a little at a loss... Ah well. I'm feeling better (which is a major bonus) and I'll be back into the normal routine tomorrow. Also... He'll be back Wednesday evening, which is soon enough. ;)

Something else to look forward to: I will have my first ever, up close & personal, real life meeting with a *blip* friend on Wednesday morning! Exciting or what?

Until then... Enjoy your Sunday night and see you tomorrow.

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