Life on Sheep's Head

By OwlLady

Eyes wide shut

An uneventful day. A visit from friend Geoff was the highlight. We sat, had countless cups of tea and chatted for hours. Geoff is definitely one of the best chatters I have ever known. He is so good, in fact, that I didn't get much of a word in edgewise. That was OK though. I had no energy to do much more than sit and listen to his amusing stories and the horribly grey, wet and windy weather out there didn't help much either.

Anyway. I figured I needed some colour for my today's blip.

We were in Venice years ago and after having seen the film *Eyes Wide Shut*, I could not possibly leave Venice without these! It was a major hassle to get them back home in one piece, but we did it and it's sooo worth it!

This is one of two beautiful masks (the girl, my side) on our red, Gothic and, in my humble opinion, rather sexy bedroom wall.

PS... I made an important and rather pleasing discovery over the last few days. We have some very blippable objects in our house.

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