
Well I couldn't not blip this house of christmas lights could I? Puts my window lights to shame although I can't say I would ever do this to my house. Each to there own though and it is a definate wow house!!

Went to visit my Gran in hospital this afternoon. It was a bit of a nightmare as we stopped to collect some bits from her house and then the car wouldn't start- flat battery. Ended up waiting 2 hours for the rescue guys as even after a neighbour tried to jump start it nothing happened. So we missed the afternoon visiting and got there 1 1/2 hours before the evening one. The lovely nurses took pity on us though and let us visit anyway. Gran looked better than I expected and I was thrilled that she recognised me before I walked in the room. She seemed agitated about silly things but I know that is the pics disease and kind of expected the way she would be but it is still not easy to deal with. We stayed for 2 hours and saw so many parts of her personality whilst there. A lovely moment for me was when Jack and Erin sang her away in a manger and she joined in with them. Brought tears to my eyes. We are going back on wednesday and other family members are going inbetween now and then so she should see someone every day. I have decided my decision not to contact my parents is the right one, Gran is not well but she is not so ill they need to rush home. They could do no more than I am already doing - I hope when they return they agree.

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