An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Christmas Cactus

This little cactus was full of buds on Friday and when I went into the kitchen this morning this gorgeous bloom awaited me. Hope I can keep the thing alive long enough for all the little buds to bloom!

No long write up today as I'm so late in blipping this is almost a back blip!

Great night at Ele's last night....delicious homemade food (sweet potato and chilli soup, chicken breast stuffed with goats cheese and wrapped in parma ham, baby potatoes, roasted tomatoes and courgettes, green beans carrots and dessert of raspberry cheesecake with fresh raspberries, strawberries and blueberries.......oh and plenty gin......and wine......and I wasn't driving ;-)))

Still not got my Christmas cards written but made my Christmas Day soup so that's in the freeezer all ready for the big day.

Alan and David are loaded with the cold (oh joy!) but hopefully that means it will be out the way by Christmas. Oh and David bashed his head on the ceiling artex when he was getting the Christmas decs out of the loft this morning and now it looks as though I have stabbed him in the head with a fork! Tee hee!!

Hope you've all had a great weekend Blip pals and promise I will catch up with commenting over the next couple of days! xx

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