investigations of a dag

By kasty

here's the christmas card

here is the Christmas card that I made from some pictures I took last year that I should be busy sending to about about a hundred people about now, but being ok about that amount of writing and envelope licking normally, as I start to feel all Christmassy and get to think about all the people I am sending them too and how the year has just flown by and how maybe later I would get my Christmas decorations out and make gingerbread (whisky and possibly chai gingerbread this year) but instead, this year, today, I've had a very long day at work pushing a big rock up a hill when I should be thinking about my own project at the moment that I should have been busy doing and which I am carrying about like a large crow constantly pecking my brain and will not let me rest and will not become a nice peaceful Christmas Robin until I get that task done...

whiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiich why I am posting such a desperate blip as it was either this or some more pictures of that weird pasta art that lives in my gas meter cupboard that I forgot I'd already used or pics of crap ornaments (why don't I have nice ornaments like everyone else in blipland??) or old family photographs, but I look like a real dork in those so I decided not to go for that, but to reach for the big guilty screaming pile of Christmas cards that my loved ones will get now in February and how they will all laugh like they do every year about how I'm so flaky and can't seem to get my sh*t together to send them in December.

and breeeeeeathe
it's 23:57 press publish now...

PS I had to add this later - this is singularly the most disturbing thing I've ever seen transmitted in binary. UK politics show announces Underworld are providing the music for the Olympics and kick off a spontaneous rave.

Andrew Neil clearly has no clue what he's talking about, but Michael Heseltine might just have set foot in a club once and watched the crowd from a balcony. Up there with the Yeltsin shuffle

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