Cookie Monster
It's back.
The repair man called at 8.30, just as the ERDF man arrived to measure up for our quote but I managed to convey to him that 'between 4 and 6' wasn't a very convenient time for him to come, as I had to take Mr B to the airport for a 5.30pm flight. After a little toing and froing during which I forgot how to say '17' in French (doh) we compromised on 'between 4 and 6'. Imagine my suprise then when he called at 3.30, with me on my way back from the airport, to say he was outside the house. Sigh.
Anyway, he was charm itself and we had a nice chat about baking, children and buying things on-line. And, of course, he fixed the oven. I would like to tell you that it was a blown gasket or a loose wire... but actually it was just our failure to heat the oven super-hot for half an hour to burn off factory residues. Putting cold pizzas in instead caused steam which caused a short. He very generously blamed the installers (his colleagues) who should have told us that. He didn't seem at all to think it was a wasted trip and gave me some very handy advice about which shelf was best for baking cakes.
So, I hastily whipped up a batch of the quickest recipe I know (the cookies) to feed to the kids' friends (our first proper French playdate!) Tomorrow mince pies to entertain the locals and shortbread for the long drive to Scotland this weekend.
Don't I have funny lumpy hands?
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