Seasonal flowers
After dropping Katherine off at riding, I popped up to our old house to check the post, and spotted this sunflower field on the way back. Not sure if they're late or early.
I spent most of the day being late: a bit late rolling out the shortbread, because my assistant chef was still getting dressed; a bit late getting the dinner in the oven; which all made us a bit late for Conor's football. Still, after an hour and a half freezing in the rain, we were all warmed up by Conor's blushes as his teacher showered kisses on him when we gave her a box of Roses (chocolates). And we were not late for picking up Mr B who had switched to an earlier flight to save the kids from a trip to the airport at 9.30pm when they're already tired. The curry had survived its longer than planned stint in the oven (late flight, slow traffic) and was pronounced delicious (phew) and though the kids' lamb shank and lentil thing was actually a 'lamb shank sitting on solid bed of lentils' once they had soaked up all the liquid, it was all fine.
Slightly odd interchange in the butcher today. I asked if they ever had venision in (I asked for chevreuil in my very best accent) only to be met with confused stares. I mimed being a deer, and explained all I could about how they have antlers and are wild, but it was only when I mentioned Bambi that she finally got what I was on about. And promptly pointed to a board of meats available to order - with 'Chevreuil' prominently listed. I clearly need to localise my accent a bit more... Still, my explanation that we like venison so much because Conor is allergic to beef drew horrified gasps, and the calling out to the front of the shop of the other butchers to stare at the poor wee boy. He kept very quiet as he still had the sweetie given to him by the previous shopkeeper in his mouth, but was quite delighted to be presented with a lolly to make up for being unable to eat beef. He now loves shopping with me: two sweeties and a lolly. Not bad for half an hour's work.
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