Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Before the Rain

Morning came late -- the days are so short currently, and this was the only sun we were going to see today and that was just okay with us. We get so little rain and we love it.

Tomorrow is the last day with my students, so today I finished grading and made sure everything was ready for tomorrow's final quiz.

Each student had one final short piece of writing to do and submit through email. They had to write their advice to next semester's students to tell them what they ought to do to be successful in this Basic Writing class. For the past several semesters I have given this assignment. Students come up with quite a variety of suggestions and they are always interesting to read. Some use it as opportunity to complain about the huge amount of work they've had to do. Others suggest that time management is a must. What is always apparent is the attitude of the student who is doing the suggesting.

Some of the students who haven't worked very hard and who are earning a low grade are quite bitter. Then other students, who are not earning a high score, but are thankful for what they've learned, submit words that are refreshing to read.

A writing class is a lot of work; heck, writing is a lot of work. Entirely too many students arrive in this class not prepared to write -- little has been required of them in previous classes. So this class is a definite wake-up call. I was pleased to get this short note from one of my male students, who had to work hard to keep-up with the course assignments and at this end of the semester he is feeling the victory. He writes:

Carol: I just wanted to write you and say thank you for all you have done this semester. You were a good instructor and really knew how to challenge your students. During the semester I kept dreading your class because it was the only class that challenged me. However, I learned more in your class this semester than I did in my past years of English combined. I appreciate all your help this semeser and for all the ways you motivated me. I hope you have a good holiday season and look forward to talking with you in the future. Best Regards. Ricky

As I read all of my students' final words, I am reminded of how important my attitude is in every situation. A bad attitude makes life miserable and a good one can do just the opposite.

Good night from Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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