
By SeaGypsy

Wild Turkeys.

Good heavens, of what uncostly material is our earthly happiness composed... if we only knew it. What incomes have we not had from a flower, and how unfailing are the dividends of the seasons. ~James Russell Lowell

Just as I was going out to fill the bird feeders, I saw two huge wild turkeys out there and so I took this photo through the window. As I was opening the window to take a better picture, they startled and ran away. Until then one of the turkeys was having a great time emptying the sunflower seed holder. what?

The thing is, that wild animals or large birds can become aggresive near a food source. Last year, I read about some folk in a neighboring town, who were having difficulties due to a wild turkey that would attack them..

PS Update: I have re-located the sunflower seed feeder.

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