Life on a Rock and More

By ChrisTaylor

Hostel at Pen-Y-Pass/Snowdon

This is the Hostel I stayed at on the 7th. Good access to local mountains (including Snowdon Range)

Left Aber. At 7.35 on the buses and was in the heart of north wales (Pen-y-Pass) by 11. Not bad for public transport. Hostel was not open until 5pm. SO walked up the local hill opposite and provided some custom to the cafe at the bottom of the walks that start off up Snowdon.

Come 4.40 I had been waiting outside the hostel for signs of life for 30 minutes. There was no-one waiting with me, no lights coming on and off inside, vacancy sign said "No Vacancies tonight" (which contradicts what they said over the phone)....I started to worry that I had it all wrong. This was saved when two ladies turned up and the hostel opened. I had already made plan B of occupying the bus shelter. Thankfully it didn't come to that.

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