
By Roseyrose

After an early start, a tiring day and delayed trains I am finally home after 6 he journey thanks to many delays!
The assessment centre went ok! I actually enjoyed the mornings exercises! We had to do a group discussion, a 1 min video presentation which we had 3 mins to prepare about ourselves then a set of 3 tasks, a puzzle, a memory test and a grammar error sporting task.
I passed the morning and got through to thr interview! We had 20 mins to prepare a 20 min presentation and then an interview straight after. I actually feel like it went well! We find out next week. And even if i don't get the job, the fact that I made it through and delivered a successful and confident presentation has done wonders for my confidence especially as I have been having anxiety issues lately. But I was fine, no excessive nerves, only slight ones which turned into adrenaline. Yeah!

The picture is if my childhood hot water bottle, the faithful Mrs bunny who I will be taking to bed tonight to keep us warm!

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