By ANDY597

Ned's on the train

I manage to reverse out the driveway without incident this morning.

Boring day at work today and I read in the paper about the ned on the train to Glasgow. He doesn't have a ticket and the old conductor tells him he has to either pay or get off the train. The ned gives him a barrage of abuse, so a rather beafy looking public spirited passenger does his bit and expells the ned forceably from the train. Excellent, get in there big man, the ned deserves everything he gets. I make a note to watch that on Youtube when I get home.

At lunchtime, I make a futher mental note to not lug into others people's conversations and jump to conclusions as to the true meaning of the statement, apparently the young lady at the previous table, when quoted on saying "I missed having my daily sausage this morning", was in actual fact referring to the fact the breakfast canteen shut at 10.30 that morning. Who would have thought it.

On the way home, I hear the ned on the radio giving it "aye man, am pressing charges an that, am sui-ing an that, av goat concussion man, fae when ma heed hit the platform an that". Ha, serves you right ya wee naf, go out and get a job you stupid, uneducated, piece of little dole biting scum. I feel so compelled that the ned shouldn't be on the radio, I pull in to the next layby and phone the radio and have a ten minute rant at the DJ. The world has completely gone politicially correctness mad as they are talking about charging the big man with assualting the ned. Eh, naw, he deserved it after the abuse he gave the old conductor. I don't really have a problem with him trying to dodge the fair, but he gets caught red handed so he either has to pay or get off.

On arriving home father is here, but he is in a mood, so we don't converse much, but we do head off to see Holly playing Tiny Tim in her school production of A Christmas Carol which was entertaining in a school play sort of way.

By the time we arrive home John is here and Connie and I ask him whether he wants a bit of dinner, he declines on account he has already eaten, to which I say "it's never stopped you before fatty".

He takes this in good humour, unlike father dear who is in a right royal cream puff.

We debate the ned scenario, but ultimately we come up with the same conclusion that although you can't go around assaulting people, he well and truly deserved everything that he got. He should take it on the chin.

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