Rainy Day in Oregon

By jerispics

Feeding the Ducks

At K-Mart again. We can't drive into the K-Mart parking lot without Gracie saying "I want to feed the ducks!" She thinks it's grand. We came unprepared because it wasn't on our list of places to shop today, so mom ran into Safeway next door and bought a loaf of cheap bread. I couldn't get any decent shots! This one will have to do. I'd be surprised if they weren't the fattest ducks in town, because everyone feeds them. A few months ago a man was arrested and fined for running over one of them. Witnesses said he gunned the engine on his pickup and drove right into the flock as they were crossing the parking lot. One poor little guy didn't make it out of the way. You can see we had a wee bit of sunshine today between drizzle. A lot warmer too. Reached 47 degrees F. That must be a high for the month. (Don't know for sure, haven't checked with the weatherman). :-)

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