The Clumsy Gene

James has inherited it from me.

I got a phone call in school at 12.30, just as I was about to go to lunch, to say James had fallen at school and hit his head quite hard on a table.

Immediate panic, much rushing around and colleagues stepping in for me at the last minute (much appreciated) - I started to journey back, in what turned out to be treacherous conditions on the motorway with the snow getting worse the closer to home I got. As usual, when you need to be somewhere fast, the weather and the traffic conspire to delay you. 45 minutes later, I picked him up.

He proclaimed he was fine, implied (but didn't state) that we were fussing over nothing, then pulled his fringe aside to show me the lump - it looks worse in real life (although it is settling down now) - it was egg sized, blue, with a big red stripe in the middle of the egg where he made contact with the edge of the table when I collected him. It's about half a ping pong ball now.

How did he do it? Apparently "I tripped over my own feet"....that's just the sort of stupid thing I would do. Not him.

He hadn't even gone straight to see anyone about it - instead went to get his registration mark so that he maintained 100% attendance THEN told his form tutor!!! He seemed to be more cheesed off that he was missing picking up his certificate in assembly for perfect attendance this term, and the opportunity to go to MaccyD's for a "end of term celebration" with his mates.

There's me panicking! He's been quite subdued, and has only just regained his appetite despite me cooking meatballs and spaghetti for him for tea tonight - had to put it to one side to reheat ....which is what I am going to do in a second.

Then I am going to bed to have a lie down as I am deteriorating again.

Happy end of Term 1 Jimbo - you've done brilliantly, settled in and made me proud as punch. AM glad you didn't knock yourself out. Just watch out for your own feet next time eh?

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