This is looking over to the Lake District from Heysham Harbour. Goodness it was parky there. We'd been to look for the Glaucous Gull after seeing the Glossy Ibis at Leighton Moss. The Glossy Ibis was rather more glamorous that the Glaucous. Say that after a couple of glasses of wine.

The drive over from North Yorkshire was rather snowier on the road that G had anticipated. There was only a dusting on the grass at home but it got rather thicker further West. I expect had G known, he would have taken my trusty steed rather than Precious, but she coped, just.

I was glad to get back home as I have been suffering with tooth pain all day. It started as just a little twinge yesterday but has now revved up to the same pain as the dreaded abcess of last year. At least, after the last debacle, if that's what it is then I should be able to cut out the faffing about at the dentist and get put straight on the hospital waiting list this time. Now there's something to look forward to.

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