All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Mr Happy

It's very hard to get photographs of Ethan smiling. He does actually smile and laugh a lot but as soon as he sees me with my camera, his serious face comes on!

Another busy day today.

Took Ethan to his gymnastics class in the morning. We then walked over to McArthur Glen. Got his feet measured in Clarks but they only had 1 style of shoe in his size and I didn't like it. So we went to the main Clarks in The Centre ... not much more choice there but I felt under pressure to buy a pair as his feet have gone up a size, so we bought some there.

He fell asleep not long after that so I did some window shopping.

Then home for a quick lunch before into Edinburgh to go to Flori's birthday party. As usual, Ethan's eyes lit up when the birthday cake came out! Even though I've tried not to give him too much sweet stuff, it's apparant that he has inherited my sweet tooth. Oh dear!

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