Caldwell's Paper Mill

Decided I would head out and do a little bit of urban exploration to get a better entry for the Weekend Blip Challenge and find something a bit out of the ordinary to hit the theme of 'Paper'.

Fife has a history of paper-making with mills spread around the kingdom, although many, like Caldwell's Papermill in Inverkeithing are now closed and in a bad state of repair. Caldwell's is locked down now following a huge fire earlier in the year and it well on the way to being demolished, especially as Hurricane Bawbag took down a couple of the walls recently.

I do think it's a massive shame that buildings like these get damaged through vandalism which then means the elements can destroy them quicker. I would love these historic buildings to be preserved for photographers to capture them as they were in their prime.

This will be my entry for the Weekend Blip Challenge

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