The Wilsons

By WendyWooWilson

And sleep.

After yesterdays activities, and a full on day today, Imogen has admitted defeat and finally gone to sleep. (Awake for 9 hours, and laughing and giggling all the way through.) It's been another good day. Fingers crossed tonight is a good night and sleeps all the way through. Here's hoping... We have been here now exactly 3 months today. Where has the time gone? Today is also another good example of the dedication of the staff here. Last night we were talking about getting some Olbas Oil as Imogen does get very snuffly. I escaped for half hour today and brough some. However, the nurse that was on last night just popped his head through the door, before his shift, and said he'd brought some in for me. (Think he'd robbed his kids medicine cabinet....)

Thank you for all your lovely messages about yesterday. Such a special day.

It's been a bit of a rollercoaster this past week as Imogen's Liver results have been creeping up and we are at quite a critical level. They are very concerned at the moment, but today they started to decrease. Lets hope that the trends continues. Due to the virus that we think is causing it, there wasn't much they thought they could do, but today we have a plan in place. If the levels rise again tomorrow we are going to start her on a drug to hopefully keep it at bay. So please, we still need lots of prayers, positive thoughts, finger crossing, anything that will make a difference. She's still got a long way to go.

I keep on typing Imogen, but really I want to type JimJam as this is what we call her. So I'm going to have to revert to her pet name from now on!

6 Sleeps to go.....

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