
Of all the photos I take I think the ones with people and especially the kids are the ones that give me the most pleasure. The problem is I find them the hardest to take.

Still life's, trick photos etc. involve controlling the elements. With a portrait I think my relationship with the subject gets in the way, both in trying to organise the shot and in achieving my vision. It could be the vision I want is too complicated.

Tonight was no exzception. I tried test shots with me, I fiddled with the light. I thought it was all OK. Then it all went pear-shaped. I don't know why.

This is the best (not good) of a bad bunch.

In a way this is the enigma of Edgar. He is a complex character, charming and affable, bright, intelligent but with a self destructive streak. Not an unusual set of characteristics but difficult to capture. And he doesn't keep still.

I must keep trying.

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