Purple Magpie

By PurpleMagpie

Barbershop Christmas Party - all bow at the feet o

It was Second City Sounds Christmas party.

Last years was cancelled due to snow so it's only the second one I have been to.

Basically everyone brings a plate of food which leads to a fab buffet.

Anyone who wants to can get up and do a performance. We had some poems, solo singing, comedy sketches and I sang with people from the other two chorus quartets and sang a parody of Coventry Carol.

In Feb the chorus held a singing course and we had a great response and have increased our numbers greatly with some amazing and lovely ladies.

All the new ladies there tonight got up and did a poem about how wonderful our MD is. He is wonderful as well. He is so talented and knowledgable but also very unassuming. Its his face on the masks.

Lots of Merry Christmasses, kisses and hugs and I wore the shoes with a leopard skin print dress. Flamboyant ....... Moi?

Also my lovely son asked me this morning if he is growing a skull in his head and we discussed the big bang this afternoon. Five year olds are great fun as is barbershop.

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