Diary Of A Sinner

By ArchieDog

New Home - Day Nineteen

My name is Archie and I am a sinner.

Very busy day today with loads of opportunities for sinning.

The day started quietly enough with the Nippy Wee Wifie pottering about with the car battery, jump leads, booster pack and lots and lots of spanners.

I could hear lots of banging, clanging and muttering going on outside.

I tried my best to help by remaining quietly in my box but periodically I would shout instructions.

Nippy Wee Wifie ignored my advice to call the breakdown service. She's a bit of a martyr that way. She likes to fix stuff herself.

Today she admitted defeat and phoned the mechanic in the village to request a new battery.


The mechanic arrived, pronounced the battery to be adequate and cranked up the engine. He floored it and the car started. NWW was happy to hear it fire up but not amused that she had failed to manage it herself after three days of trying.
The spark plugs were all fouled apparently. NWW is perfectly capable of changing them herself but she arranged to have them replaced by the mechanic on Wednesday.

Meanwhile the car was to have a bit of a run to "clear oot the stoor".

We headed into town.

To the vet.

It was a different vet that I saw today. A vet that the Nippy Wee Wifie especially wanted to see. NWW had only met him once before and it hadn't been a great experience.
She had taken my predecessor to see him. The old dog never went home...

The vet was nice in a bossy sort of way - he obviously knows the score. He said I was a grand, fit wee dog and reckoned that NWW and I would get on just fine if we stuck to our boundaries.
I growled at him to show him MY boundaries but he just ignored it and ruffled my neck. Then he stuck a needle between my shoulder blades. I didn't mind though because I was scoffing a biscuit at the time.

Then it was off to the shops and I stayed guard in the car while NWW went and bought a new coat.

Her usual sort of coat is brown or green or greeny brown - regardless of its original colour. Her usual sort of coat smells of dog and horse. Her usual sort of coat is covered in mud, hair and biohazards.

This coat was different. Not her usual sort of coat. It was red. Bright red. And it smelled of "new coat" smell.
She was happy though.

Later in the afternoon NWW packed the car with another crate and we headed off to another town to introduce me to her mother. Apparently I am a grand-dog and I have a grandma.

NWW gave strict instructions that I was to be ignored - totally ignored. My crate was set up and a padded bed put inside. The bed smelled faintly of the same dog smell that I encountered in Nippy Wee Wifie's house when I first arrived there.

It was a strange, subdued sort of moment when the bed was unrolled and I was allowed to sniff it. I sensed the atmosphere and lay on it quietly - very quietly.
Both humans smiled, NWW told me I was a good lad and then they went back to ignoring me.
I fell asleep.

NWW spent some time going in and out of the room, closing the door behind her. Grandma sat on her chair ignoring me.

After a while NWW didn't return but I stayed quiet.

Grandma went off for a lie down in her room and I whined a little but settled down and slept.

Late at night NWW returned and I was allowed out of the crate to lie quietly in front of the fire. After a quick cup of tea we headed off on the long drive back home.

My tummy had been making some alarming rumbling and squeaking noises during the evening. NWW thought it was because I was needing my biscuits but I didn't really want to eat or drink when I got home. I was a little grumpy and took myself off to my crate instead of lying by the fire.
I just felt a little under the weather amd wanted to lie in peace.

NWW stayed with me for a while and eventually I ate my biscuits albeit rather slowly.

Maybe it was a delayed reaction to my vaccination. Maybe it was just a bit of an upset tummy. Who knows.

I slept like a log.

Dog tired after a long, long, busy day.

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