Diary Of A Sinner

By ArchieDog

New Home - Day Eighteen

My name is Archie and I am a sinner.

Yesterdays hullaballoo with the stove was the least of the Nippy Wee Wifie's problems.

Yesterday the car died.

There we were all ready to go and the thing wouldn't start.

Today she had "plan B" up her sleeve and had charged up the battery booster overnight.

The day was spent traipsing in and out to the car attempting to get it going. The booster made not a whit of difference.
Eventually the car was disembowelled and the battery brought into the kitchen to sit charging on the battery charger.

All the to-ing and fro-ing meant that I got pretty upset at not being allowed out with her. I could hear her outside and couldn't understand why she was out there without me.
I get a bit ticked off when she goes out and whine a little at first but settle down when I realise she's gone.
Today it felt like she was teasing me with all the in out, in out stuff. Didn't know what was happening.
I even had a few barks which didn't amuse her at all.
She tried her best to ignore me though because she doesn't want to reward my barking by giving me attention.

Oh it was difficult today.

I resorted to pleading.

The greedy madam was having some delicious smelling pate on toast during one of her spells indoors to warm up.

It didn't work.......

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