The Little Lyle Files

By kevinwatters

Early Morning Christmas Cheer

On my way this morning to travel to Scotland to visit my dad I passed through St Pancras Station. This is a photograph of the Lego Christmas Tree that is made entirely from Lego blocks as are the decorations.

I've used this image because this represented part of the journey prior to it going all horrible. Over-running engineering work meant that no trains were going north of Preston (Or was it a signal failure? They couldn't quite make up their mind.)

After turfing us all off at Preston, they said that they were trying to arrange an alternative bus service. How gracious of them to fulfil their franchise obligations! The bus service, when it happened became a free for all as nobody was managing the queuing, so when they announced a train was going through to Carlisle, I thought that that was a safer bet than compete with a rabble for each bus as it appeared. What they didn't mention was the fact that the train wasn't being sent on the mainline and did a mystery tour of the north of England, taking two and a half hours to travel the usual hour long section of the journey.

My sister and brother-in-law came to pick me up from their home at Motherwell and saved the day somewhat as it allowed me to get to the hospital in Greenock for evening visiting to see my dad in intensive care.

For those who follow my journal, he is improved from his condition over the past couple of days and they are looking to move him to the High Dependency Unit, a major worry some weeks ago but distinctly an attractive prospect now.

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