Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol


Finally! The Christmas card from "Funville" is soon to join the parade of cards currently flying through the postal system. I mentioned in yesterday's blip that I am locked in my room each December till the card is constructed. So now the door is officially unlocked.

Actually Mr. Fun designed and constructed the cover-side. He used a photo that I blipped two years ago on December 25th. It is one of my favorite blip photos. The photos he used on the back side also came from my daily clicking and some of them were actual blips sometime this past year.

The annual card/letter serves well as family history. When someone asks,"What year did you tour the Capitals of the Baltic?" or another question, "What year did your granddaughter tour Australia?" I usually answer, "I'm not quite sure, but the Christmas cards will know." Each year the card captures a minisule capsule of each of our grandkids and a little something about the overall family. This year the card includes the story of Chloe, Mitzi, and Max. The photos, of course, tell a story all of their own.

So today I am feeling a sigh of relief.

Good night from Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka

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