Diary Of A Sinner

By ArchieDog

New Home -Day Twenty One

My name is Archie and I am a sinner.

A much quieter day today - for me at least.

The morning started with the Nippy Wee Wifie sleeping in.

Typical. She's up at the crack of dawn every day for three weeks and the one morning she needs to be up early - the alarm clock is kaput.

She left me at home while she went to the stable. Horse is sick again with sore feet.
Laminitis again, caused -probably- by eating frosted grass when the snow was on the ground. NWW is not pleased.
So that's the horse confined to stable for the duration.

After the stable chores were done, NWW dropped the car off at the garage to have the spark plugs replaced - and the radiator checked cos it's sprung a small leak.
Never rains but it pours.

She walked home from the village.

Then walked back down to the village to get it back.

The radiator will do for now but she's going to have to keep an eye on it. More faffing about with spanners and stuff I suppose.

Well, at least I got my mobile kennel back and I can get out and about again.

We played with the ball on a rope again today. This time NWW threw it for me and I had to bring it back. I was happy to do that but not so keen to give it up at first.

That is, until she produced some extra scrummy treats and we played the "drop it" and "thank you" game again.
I remembered the game and I especially keen to show NWW how much I had taken in from my last lesson. She was very happy.

We played another game today. One that I wasn't too keen on. Not sure about the point of this game really.
Nippy Wee Wifie picked me up, turned me over as if I was getting a cuddle - then she stuck a finger in my mouth and rubbed my teeth. Periodically she lightly tapped my teeth too. What on earth is THAT all about then.
At first I gave her my best evil stare but she ignored that and carried on.

Three weeks ago I would have amputated her fingers in an instant but I didn't feel inclined to try that anymore. I was sure that something nice would be forthcoming if I toughed out her unwelcome attention.

Sure enough, after a few rubs and taps and a couple of rounds of lifting up my lips to see my teeth at the back, I was rewarded with huge pats, and a couple of the yummy treats.

I'm sure this game will go further - they always do.

I heard her muttering something about a toothbrush - whatever that is.

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