Diary Of A Sinner

By ArchieDog

New Home - Day Twenty Two

My name is Archie and I am a sinner.

I had to stay in the car today when Nippy Wee Wifie took me to the stable.
Horse was staying indoors today so I wasn't allowed near him.
She kindly took a photo of the invalid for me.
Horse still has sore feet and we headed off to town to the drug dealer vet to get copious amounts of painkillers for him.

We went to the feed merchant too and bought enormous bags of horse feed. I think she bought some Christmas presents while she was there. Dog treats and horse treats and stuff, judging by the smell from her shopping bag.
When the feed merchant loaded the car I was on my best behaviour. Didn't even bark at him. NWW was most surprised.

Today is a special day for NWW - and just about anyone else who looks after livestock.
Yesterday was Midwinter, the Solstice, the shortest day.
Today marks the start of the days getting longer.
Yes, we'll probably have snow and freezing temperatures but gradually the mornings will be earlier and the evenings will be later.
We're halfway through the Winter and its all downhill to Springtime from now on.

I think I'm going to Grandmas house later.
NWW is going back to work and Grandma will dogsit me.
Well, I'll stay in my crate and Grandma will ignore me - that's the plan anyway.

So I have to pack a bag to take with me. Biscuits and leashes and stuff.

Nippy Wee Wifie is working over Christmas - someone has to do it I suppose - so it's just going to be a quiet time for us.
She will likely not have time to post Blips for me but she'll backblip once she finishes working.

So it's an early blip from me.

I gotta go pack.

I backblipped yesterday's entry.

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