Diary of a Homeowner

By JennyWrenny

Not A Sunrise!

Having drunk a few rum and ginger beers to get me through the Christmas wrapping last night, I've had an unshifting headache that even my trusted friend, solapdeine max, couldn't get rid of today.

I don't know why (maybe my headache was impairing my thinking) but I thought it would be a good idea to go shopping in North Shields on my lunch break. After several incidents of claustrophobia in half an hour, including carnage in Poundland and getting stuck in a pair of pyjamas in New Look, I decided to get out of there, and just as I did the sun came out. I know there have been endless pictures of sunrises, sunsets, and clouds in recent weeks, but the winter skies have been simply irresistible this year. Has anyone seen the pictures of the 'rare lenticular clouds' on the BBBC website today by teh way? Really spooky. In the meantime, after dinner with my friend tonight and after half a bottle of prosecco, what do you know? I still have a headache.

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