Diary of a Homeowner

By JennyWrenny

Metro Misery

In March this year I took what a lot my friends thought was a radical decision to sell my car. Following three crashes in as many years I decided that it would safer for everyone if I got off the roads.

Unfortunately, the week I decided to sell my car, Nexus began to upgrade the metro system and started by closing down the track between my home and work for three weeks. For the past 9 months I have been plagued by platform closures and delays due to an increase in metal theft along the line. A friend of mine from work marvels at the speed with which the Japanese can rebuild cities after earthquakes and I'm really beginning to believe that Fukushima will be up and running again before this metro is fully functional. I will not give up though and always try to remember that the money I am saving from selling my car is what pays for all my travels abroad.

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