Such a runny day

Interval running today as a counterbalance to the 15 km run I did on Tuesday. Not many times have I been running this near to Xmas, but the winter has started so mildly this year, so why not? Although the temperature's -4 Celsius and there's a delicate blanket of powdery snow in the streets right now, that's not really wintry yet. Let's see what happens in January - real snow or not? :)

Tomorrow I'll take Granny to the market and do some tidying for the sake of some order in the chaos. On Saturday, everybody will gather at Grandma and Pa's and eat well, which'll be followed by a gathering at our home in the evening, and on Sunday we'll visit Grandaunt and have some coffee.

Oh, it's getting busy, but happily not in a stressful way. I think Xmas/Yule should be unstressed time when we can enjoy good company, eat well, quiet, get some rest and be happy because the days are to lengthen soon. I hope that all would come true again.

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